Jane McConnell

Analyste organisationnelle et conseillère stratégique

Jane McConnell is an organizational analyst and strategic adviser. With over 20 years of experience as a researcher and consultant—assisting healthcare companies, industrial and retail operations, and United Nations agencies, among many others—her insights into leadership and work culture in the digital age have helped dozens of organizations focus, adapt, and stay relevant.

She lives in the Provence region of France and can be reached through her website at www.netjmc.com. She published The Gig Mindset Advantage, A Bold New Breed in 2021.  She has a podcast at Bold New Breed and a newsletter Inside Outsider on LinkedIn. She recently published an article about the gig mindset in the Harvard Business Review: How Workers with a Gig Mindset Can Help Your Company Thrive

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Une entrevue avec Jane

Entrevue en direct au CROI du 14 septembre 2022



Leadership d'engagement et communautés numériques

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